Monday, February 15, 2010

Uglegorsk Orphanage Birthday Celebration...

This is a report from Tanya, our administrator in Mariupol:

"I went to Uglegorsk on January 28. Yulia Shcherbakova (one of our first TLC graduates) went with me to help. We did a birthday party for 17 younger kids and brought chocolate bars for 40 older ones. We had traditional soft animals for girls and toy cars for boys. We also brought school supplies, hygiene products and sports stuff for the orphanage as a whole."

The kids sitting down to their birthday feast!

The kids showing their small birthday presents!

"Kids Changing Kids Lives" - an annual coin collection by children...

For the past four years, the Kingwood Church of Christ has involved their children in an annual coin collection called "Kids Changing Kids Lives." The idea behind the collection is to get children involved with missions through inviting them to collect their spare change (and possibly their parents) and then donate it towards a specific project for Jeremiah's Hope.

This year, several other churches joined the Kingwood kids in this unique missions experience. Throughout the month of February, children in the following churches are participating: Kingwood Church of Christ (Kingwood, TX), Hillcrest Church of Christ (Abilene, TX), Church of Christ (Canadian, TX), Central Church of Christ (Ada, OK) and the Kingdom Kids Choir of Bethal Evangelical Free Church (Fargo, ND).

Levi & Noah Hinson with their change cans.
The Hinson boys will be coming to Ukraine with their parents
this summer to serve at the camp.

The Central Church of Christ (Ada, OK) kids
with their cans.

Please keep these children and their teachers/Children's Ministers in your prayers during February. Pray that this will be more than a collection, but that it will be an eye opening learning experience about missions!