Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Saturday at the Transition Living Center....

Many people have often asked me what a typical day at the Transitional Living Center is like for the kids. That is truly a hard question to answer because every day is different and our kids are involved in so many activities.
However, this weekend, while visiting in Mariupol, I made it a point to chronical Saturday with lots of pictures. Here are a few of the best pictures to share with you what today was like...

After lunch, Marina and Julia dressed up
and went to the theatre to see a play.

Tanya Burak, Director of the TLC, came over after lunch to give Misha (10 years old)
his reading lesson. He is just now starting school and learning to read.

Natasha M. spent the day doing her laundry.
It was hung all over the house and outside on the line also.

Natasha S., a graduate of the TLC, stopped by because she has been sick
and just wanted to be "at home."

Anya and Yana spend time helping Alexandra and I
make applesauce for winter.

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